Reports for Manufacturing Company Excel Dashboard Templates

Reports for Manufacturing Company:

You will find two major forms of reports for manufacturing company. Reports which are helpful to management in a manufacturing company – business specific decision making reports and official reports. Useful reports for manufacturing may be divided even more in to informative reports and analysis or KPI / metrics manufacturing reports.


Reports for manufacturing company
Example Manufacturing KPI Report in Excel


Official reports are the reports that you as a company are obligated to create and maintain like regulatory reports, safety reports and tax reports to name a few.

Informative reports offer details with no attempt to actually get more information. These types of reports can include inventory reports, manufacturing reports, employee reports, cost analysis reports and product sales reports. This particular raw information is essential for managing a manufacturing business since it offers a overview showing how the organization is actually doing at any time.

Manufacturing reports can easily alert operations to any issues like shortage of raw materials, regarding whether or not the employees are meeting manufacturing targets or perhaps when the warehouse is actually running low on certain products and raw materials.

Manufacturing analysis reports get details from any other reports and tend to offer direction depending on all these details. A good informative manufacturing report might display a rise in product sales of your specific item along with a decline in the product sales associated with yet another product or service.

A good manufacturing report could incorporate these details to reports so as to clarify the reason why this particular trend took place. Production reports may also recommend a plan of activity, for example reorganizing resources, in order to either correct a disadvantage or highlight successful activities and processes.

Producing official reports is actually determined by the authorities and your organization need to adhere to regulations regulating the particular reports. Companies usually need to present their own employees with harmless work place under conditions from the federal regulations like OSHA.


Daily, Weekly and Monthly Manufacturing Report Templates


There are specific reports which manufacturing companies must publish to be able to conform to OSHA specifications, like reporting any kind of worker injury caused by some sort of work-related incident. All of manufacturing companies need to report specific salary and tax withholding details for the IRS. Companies which have stockholders normally must generate yearly reports describing the business operations and earnings.

All other reports are manufacturing reports that are used by management to be able to make better and informed decisions.

Cost reporting and throughput reporting are example of manufacturing reports that are used by any manufacturing manager.

In addition manufacturing KPI reports allow you to keep track of your manufacturing operations and identify any issues instantly. Manufacturing KPI dashboards and scorecards are very useful because they help you visually follow the trends in your operations and save you time and effort daily.