QC, SPC, Six Sigma, Quality Management, Quality Control Tools, Tips, Articles and Templates

QC, SPC, Six Sigma, Quality Management, Quality Control Tools, Tips, Articles and Templates

Total Quality Management Guides, Resources, Software, SPC Control Charts and more quality tools and templates for quality professionals.

Tips and Questions for your new Pilot QC Process

Well, you have been developing the new quality control process and looking forward to implement it and see the expected results and improvements – however starting with a smaller scale pilot test project is usually a good idea to minimize the potential risks, costs and of course receive feedback on the results and outcomes…

Quality Control and Six Sigma Terms for Managers

Quality managers, analysts and professionals use specific terminology which other business managers like marketing managers, sales managers and HR managers find hard to follow and some terms can even be misleading. Read the most common quality terms…

Six Sigma, Quality Control and SPC Charts and Tools for Excel

Excel toolbox for quality managers: SPC Control Charts, Templates, Reports, Tools and Software for Microsoft Excel users. Fully automated tools and charts allow users to create reports and analysis with one click in Excel…

Quality Control vs Quality Assurance

Many quality terms and quality tools can be confusing for business people not involved in the quality projects and processes in the business. However, knowing the distinction between some key quality terms is crucial for business people…

QC Tools for Quality Management

Frequently used QC tools used in six sigma projects and quality management systems in business organizations. Quality professionals use quality tools to analyze processes, gather data, perform testing, collect input from internal and external customers…

Quality Management Reporting: Quality Scorecard and Dashboard

QC Management and six sigma initiatives require effective reporting by using quality metrics, KPIs, scorecards, dashboard reports and other tools to improve quality analysis and continuously track quality trends in your business processes…

7 Basic Quality Tools

These are the 7 basic quality management tools every quality pro should use. These seven quality tools are pretty basic and general and can be easily applied to a variety of business cases…

Inventory Metrics Examples

Inventory metrics samples and examples for your inventory management reporting and supply chain dashboard reports. What are the top inventory KPIs and how to measure and track them efficiently…

How to Create a Successful Performance Management System

The 5-Step Process of Creating and Sustaining an Effective Performance Management System for your Organization. How to Improve Performance and use the right KPIs for your business…

Project Cost Estimate

How to improve your project cost estimate skills and maximize the ROI on your projects. The project cost estimate helps you better plan your project, manage the costs and achieve your objectives while minimizing the cost…

Operating Performance Ratios

Understanding organizational operational performances is critical, however it take a lot of time looking at various financial ratios, gathering information, collecting data and analysis. Here is a way to evaluate operational performances with these 3 simple financial ratios…

Utilizing the SIPOC Tool for Process Performance Analysis

SIPOC is a process management tool for analysis of business process performance and improving business processes in organizations…

General vs Specific Business Metrics and KPIs

When you design and create your business scorecard it is important to take into consideration both generic and specific metrics for your business. Understanding your KPIs is important for you to be able to develop the right scorecard and measure effectively your business performances…

Tips on Avoiding Analysis Paralysis in Business

Having too many choices and analysis paralysis prevent us from making decisions and frequently we end up without making decisions because we create a complex situations even when…

Supply Chain Metrics Examples: The Cycle Time KPI

The cycle time KPI is part of the supply chain metrics. The cycle time definition will vary based on the business model and company’s strategy however cycle time in general is the difference between the time when the customer places an order and the time when the customer receives the order…

Fishbone Diagram: The Process and Benefits

This simple and very useful business tool can bring many benefits to your analysis and brainstorming sessions. The fishbone chart or diagram helps teams perform structured cause and effect analysis and generate many practical ideas while keeping everything into the fishbone categories…

Time driven activity based costing

What is time driven ABC? What are the benefits of time driven activity based costing system compared to traditional ABC systems used in many organizations today…

SPC Control Charts: How to use control charts to improve your processes

Quality control charts are used for process analysis, process management and process improvement. Every quality management professional should use control charts to continuously monitor, analyze and improve business processes…

Pareto Examples for Business

Examples of Pareto Principle in various business situations and how you should use these examples to apply the pareto rule in your business and identify areas of improvement…

7 Steps to Developing and Implementing Employee Satisfaction Survey

Employee satisfaction surveys give managers the opportunity to understand any issues and see what is preventing the organization to deliver better results. Issues which prevent employees to do their job better…

Understanding Andon Systems in Process and Quality Control

Andon System is a part of Process and Quality Control Management Systems, which are basically alert systems, originally used by manufacturing and production companies to prevent defects, errors, quality issues…

Customer Service KPI Reporting Guide

Customer Service Reporting, Analysis and Management is a critical source of information to improve your business overall. Customer Service KPIs and Metrics on your dashboard…

Multi Voting Technique for Teams in Business

Multivoting is a management tool used after brainstorming sessions when the team will generate a large list of ideas which must be reduced to some manageable number of items…

Balanced Scorecard Customer Perspective Examples and Metrics

The customer perspective or customer category in the Balanced Scorecard reporting and performance management is critical for achieving your strategic objectives which is the overall goal of each and every balanced scorecard initiative…

Service Management System

Service management system and processes: How service production and service delivery systems can be defined, managed and improved just like traditional production and product inventory systems. Service inventory and process…

Business Dashboard vs. Business Performance System

Business dashboard reporting should be the critical component of your performance management system. The KPIs and related business metrics on your dashboard should be integrated in a way that communicates effectively not only the “what” but also the “why” of your current performance…

Operational Risk in Business

What is operational risk in business? Operational risk is part of any business in any industry – regardless of the company size. Risk must be managed so companies can prevent losses and minimize the risk involved in their business operations and daily activities…

The 10-Step Business Planning Process

Business planning process: This simple business planning framework uses these 10 simple steps to walk you through the process so you can analyze your business and gather all the required information when you need to create a business plan…

15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

Book Review: “The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential” by John C. Maxwell offers some really good principles for business professionals. This book might be one of his best books so far…

What Are Key Performance Indicators?

What are KPIs and why they are critical for success of any organization in business? What is measured, tracked and monitored is more important than how it is measured as long as it doesn’t require ongoing time and efforts from the users. KPI dashboard reporting in addition provides managers…

Benchmark Performance

While we improve compared to previous years without external benchmarks we are not really aware of how good we are. What if our revenue grew by 5% in the last 3 years but we don’t know that other companies in the industry had a two-digit growth…

How to Coordinate a Project

To coordinate a project managers need to apply a set of various project management tools, techniques and skills. The overall goal of coordinating a project is to make sure that the project is completed on time, within the budget and delivers the required results which are clearly defined in the project plan…

What is QFD?

QFD or quality function deployment is also known as the voice of the customer (VOC) or the house of quality. QFD is a quality management method which is used by companies to translate the specific customer requirements into actual product and process quality requirements and deploy the requirements, functions and features within the organizational processes and systems…

ABC Analysis in Inventory Management

By using ABC analysis inventories are categorized based on their priorities and requirements for accurate monitoring, tracking and management control. Not every item in your inventory will have the same impact on your total inventory management cost…

Product Driven Supply Chain Management

Changes in product strategies always demand many other changes like completely different marketing strategy, sales tactics, operations, pricing, target market audience and efficient and productive supply chain management…

Blue Ocean Strategy: The 4 Questions

The blue ocean strategy tool helps users rebuild the customer value elements. This strategic management concept uses 4 very simple questions to make it easier for users to think and go through their traditional industry frameworks and competitors’ business models and develop unique business strategy…

Customer Retention Strategies

What is customer retention? Why it is one of the most important strategic programs for your organization? Customer retention is a strategy, concept and system which includes the processes conducted by the organization with the purpose of improving your current customer retention rate…

Step Cost Management Tips: What is a Step Cost?

In addition to estimating and managing your fixed and variable costs, understanding your step cost is critical and it makes a difference in your overall cost structure. If you understand your cost structure and step costs you can manage…

Balanced Scorecard Financial Perspective

The financial perspective of the balanced scorecard includes the key financial measures – ratios, KPIs and metrics which help managers monitor the financial results of the organization. The specific financial metrics used will depend on the company and its overall strategy however…

How to Monitor Your Business Trends

The major benefit of continuous trend monitoring system for business reporting is the manager’s ability to identify critical trends on time. This saves time and money and reduces the business risk both in short term and long term by allowing managers to act on new opportunities…

Kano Model for Quality Management

The Kano model is very effective quality tool for improving the company’s understanding of the customers’ needs. The customer feedback is converted into specific quality requirements which are specific and productive for the organization by using QFD…

The McKinsey 7S Model

The 7S Model: The 7 elements together offer a strategic planning model for holistic and overall evaluation and assessment. In addition to organizational analysis and planning the same approach can be used for evaluating and planning departments, projects, regional operations, teams…

What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking in business is the process and system for comparing your results, products, processes, performance, etc. against a predefined standard or criteria. The overall goal of benchmarking is continuous improvement. Companies compare results with the leaders in certain areas and by doing that they identify areas for improvement…

10 Productivity Tips

Have you ever applied the Pareto Rule to your everyday tasks? While we all know Pareto suggests that 80% of our productivity is a result of only about 20% of our efforts, we all sometimes take the routine tasks we do on a daily basis as granted…


The SERVQUAL methodology measures the quality of services on the basis of multiple service quality variables. There are variations of what should be measured and what drivers make the overall service experience and many organizations have been adopted the model by defining their own…

Cost of Quality

Cost of quality is a cost analysis method which helps businesses recognize, estimate and manage their total cost of quality improvement programs. The quality costs associated with poor and high quality can be a complex analysis and this cost analysis concept can be used to improve the overall costs of quality…

Cost Benefit Analysis

The Process of Using Cost-Benefit Analysis in Business: Cost benefit analysis in business is an evaluation method used for comparing the costs and benefits of any business decision or alternative…

Voice of the Customer (VOC)

The success of any product development depends on the assumptions companies make about what their target customers need, want and prefer. If these assumptions don’t represent the real customers’ needs, product development will hardly be any successful for the organization…

What is Quality Control?

Quality control (QC) generally relates to managing the quality level of products, services and processes – it is the organized system by which business organizations ensure a predefined level of quality (predefined standard) has been continuously met…

Business Performance Management System

How to develop and organize a successful business performance management system? What is business performance management system, business metrics, KPIs… Business Management Tools, Software, System and Tips on Business Performance Management…

Call Center Metrics

The Most Important Call Center Metrics and Call Center KPI: Though the average call center manager will monitor over 25 call center KPI, this will usually only manage to generate a great deal more work for that individual, and will not lead to much in terms of improved performance and productivity for the department. The most successful world-class departments rely on only the five most important call center KPI, which are…

Getting to Know Management by Objectives (MBO)

Management by Objectives (MBO) is a form of goal definition within a business that allows the management and the rest of the employees to understand and agree on the same outcomes that need to be achieved by that business…

Activity Based Costing – ABC

Developing ABC Costing System and ABC Application for Excel. Tips on Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management…

Performance Management

Tips on developing effective performance management system…

Six Sigma

What is six sigma, approaches, methods and benefits for organizations…

Pareto Analysis

Pareto Principle also known as 80/20 rule can help you improve your strategic focus…

Break-Even Analysis

What are your business limits? Break-Even Analysis overview and applications…

Business Performance Management

The nature of performance management can make it difficult to define as a specific activity, as it requires several different types of efforts and measures in order to practice it properly. Overall, it is a process that consists of the following in order to achieve a specific goal…


What is a metric? Define your business objectives and metrics…

Business Chart

Business chart types and tips on when and how to use them for your business reporting…

Balanced Scorecard Reporting

All you need to know about the balanced scorecard and strategy maps development…]]>