Performance Appraisal Form in Excel

Performance Appraisal Forms in Excel

When thinking about reviewing an employee’s performance. Performance appraisal forms can help with just that by giving employees a brief review of their performance. This will help them to see their strengths and weaknesses so they can improve upon their weaknesses and build on their strengths. It can also help to motivate employees as well to work harder.

As a manager you would be tracking their progress whether weekly, monthly or even quarterly. When they have improved their performance over a period of time you can then give them a raise or some other incentive to reward them for their good work. Lastly it can help to create a better relationship between you and the employee. They will see that you are always looking out for them to improve on their weak areas. As a result of that it can help to build trust and employee morale.


Performance Appraisal Form in Excel
HR Performance Management Templates in Excel


Excel is a great tool you can use to create your performance appraisal form. You have persons out there who have used other softwares. But Excel is one of the most widely used software in the business environment. It can be a bit difficult to learn at first. But overall the things that you can do with it will make up for the time and effort you put into learning it.

Creating a performance appraisal form is very simple. In this post you will be seeing how simple it is to create. Once you’ve followed these steps shown below, you can build on that skill and create new and interesting programs.

Performance Appraisal Form in Excel Tutorial, Examples and Templates


Step 1

You are going to firstly look at all the different performances you want to include in your performance plan. Next you are going to have rows for each employee detail. These are Employee, department, reviewer, date and date of last review.

Step 2

You are going to have 4 main columns which are going to be measuring each employee’s performance. These are going to be excellent, good, fair and poor.

Step 3

On the far left you are going to have the different performance you are going to check for. Examples of what you can have are honesty, enthusiasm, creativity, punctuality, dependability, attendance, technical skills, work consistency and productivity.

Step 4

Next you are going to record each employee’s score based off of their performances.

In summary this is a simple technique you can use to create a performance appraisal in Excel. If you are not interested in creating one don’t worry.

You can just get a template off of the internet by just simply searching for it off the web. Using a template has a lot of benefits. Although as a beginner it would be better to follow the simple steps shown above.

It will help you to learn how to use the functionalities in it and show what Excel is like. You cannot really escape not learning the basics in Excel. You are going to at least need to know the basics to operate the template.

If you are interested in creating a more sophisticated appraisal form in Excel.  You can easily find information off the internet. Where you can add in charts and diagrams to help you visualize your data and communicate it better across your team. You can see a simple example below…

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