How to Create Operations Plan for Business Plan
When creating a business plan, the operation plan is one of the most important areas that you must focus a lot of your time and energy on. The reason for this is because your operations plan will show investors and your colleagues how you are going to operate your business on a daily basis.
Examples of this include buying and building relationships with suppliers, organizing the different processes to create the product etc. A large benefit of the operation plan is that it will help you to analyze your organization’s profitability. So you would look at your different processes to see which operation you can improve upon to increase profits.
A lot of persons tend to create an operation plan at the start of a business plan which is at the early stages of a company’s development and never improve on it again. That method at times can be inefficient. The reason for this is because as your business grows over a period of time.
Your day to day operations are going to change. Tweaking your operations plan and adapt to that change is the right way to do it. To create an operations plan if you are just getting started, you got to firstly look at your business objectives.
Then you are going to break those objectives into different operations. Additionally you are going to also set timelines for those operations whether weekly, monthly, quarterly etc. it’s all up to your organization’s preferences.
Furthermore when you are creating an operation plan you must always keep four things in mind. These are the when, who, how much and what. The (what) is for the different tasks that your organization has to do in order to achieve a certain goal?
The (who) is for the different persons that are going to be involved to execute the strategies? The (when) is the different time frame each tasks need to be completed on. Lastly the (how much) is for the amount of money that’s going to be involved to complete each operation.
Make certain that your operations plan can be easily understood. This will allow your information to be easily interpreted by your managers and stakeholders. By looking at all the information above you can see that your operation plan should be taken very seriously.
Arguably it’s even one of the main areas of your business plan. You even have investors who can determine by just looking at the operations area of your plan. Then decide if your company is the right one to invest in. In summary your operations plan is where you are going show how your business will operate on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
Another huge benefit that wasn’t mentioned above is that. It can help you to save a lot of money. The reason being is because it will assist you in overviewing your current operations in detail. This will then help you to find areas of inefficiencies that you can then work on to make your organization perform more efficiently while leaving cash in reserve.