KPIs for Quality Assurance Examples

Key Performance Indicators for Quality Assurance and Quality Management Examples and Templates


quality metrics


KPIs for Quality Assurance Examples: Creating and delivering quality products to customers can be a tough job. Customers expect so much from us these days that if our product is not their quality – yhey probably won’t use it again because they can easily turn to one of our competitors. Ensuring our products or service is of the right quality at all times is very important in any business.

This is where quality assurance jumps in…

What is quality assurance?

Quality assurance is the managing of services, raw materials, products etc. in a way to prevent defects and ensure that our product or service is always delivered to our customers with the highest quality – that’s the quality expected by the customer.

When performing quality assurance you have to ensure the different processes and tools that go into creating and delivering your product are performing efficiently. The benefits of delivering quality products to your customers will help strengthen your brand and reputation. It also helps to put your company in a unique position within your marketplace.

That can help you to retain customers because they can always come to rely on your product or service. To make your quality assurance process easier you can integrate key performance indicators in your system. When you use key performance indicators.  You can set up certain metrics that you can test and measure.

To see how successful your quality assurance management system has been — It can also help you spot inefficiencies within your processes so you can develop ways to improve upon it.

Quality assurance key performance indicators tend to vary by company. Below you can see good examples of some you can use:

Daily fixed issues

You usually are going to spot issues in your operations and processes daily no matter how small or big it is. You must always ensure that those noticeable issues are being fixed immediately. In addition this will help you proactively manage your process so you avoid same issues from happening again. Keeping track of how many issues are being fixed daily is a good start. This will give you a scope of how efficiently your issue fixing process is.

Customer complaints

Working with the customer service department is also an important part of quality assurance. This should be your starting point in everything you do. Tracking the different types of product or service related customer complaints – by type and volume. It’ll help you spot defects in your product and service which you can then find a solution for.

Escaped defects

Sometimes certain defects tend to escape us when we are analyzing the quality of our product in our testing phase. Measuring the number of escaped defects through customer complaint is another very important quality metric. It helps to show you how effective your testing process is and if it’s not satisfactory you can then develop solutions for continuous improvement.

Severity of the defects

Not every defect you or customers find in your product or service is going to be serious or critical. But that doesn’t justify not fixing them immediately. You must gather your team and put labels on your most common defects and measure them from not urgent to urgent. This ranking and categorization will help you measure your defects against each other. After that you can then eliminate those issues that are of the utmost importance first then go further down the list.

Daily issues

You will always find problems daily in your different operations. The problem is when there are too many issues which can cause your company to run inefficiently.  Measuring how many issues you find in your operations. Should help you see how efficiently everything is running in order to deliver the best product to your customer. If your operations are running poorly, you can then put the necessary measures in place to make it run better.

Quality assurance is necessary for any organization. It helps you to manage and measure the quality of the different operations from creating to delivering a product. This will ensure that your customer gets the best quality product.

Using key performance indicators help you to track certain metrics that will help you spot inefficiencies within your different processes. It will also show you how efficiently your operations have been performing. To ensure that if there is any issue you can quickly fix them which will overall positively affect your business.


quality metrics dashboard
Excel dashboard: Track your Quality KPIs and metrics


Start improving your quality assurance processes and system by tracking your quality metrics and KPIs. Use the excel dashboard templates to report and monitor them in a well organized way.


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