How to Write a Performance Improvement Plan

How to write an effective performance improvement plan

Writing performance improvement plan
How to write a performance improvement plan
"If you work in HR, you will be asked to write performance improvement plans, or (PIP), at some point."

The purpose of this plan is to allow employees to have an opportunity to do better in tasks, while still showing them their mistakes. They also can be used for new employees to show them what is expected of them. Here are a few steps to help you create an effective performance improvement plan.

 Write Down Employee Mistakes

Start your list by making note of all the areas that your employee has a need for improvement or needs to know the procedure for. This should be an objective report that includes facts and examples to help the employee understand what is wrong and how to correct it.

This should look something like this:

  •         Information about the employee
  •         Dates of any incidents.
  •         Explanation of any gaps
  •         Describing what is expected & consequences.
Creating Your Plan of Action

The next step that should be taken is creating a plan to help the employee improve that is open to suggestions that you can discuss when you sit down with the employee. Be sure to make this plan very clear so that the employee will not be confused, and explain everything as you sit down with them.

Make sure to provide anything that the employee will need to complete the tasks you set for them. Be sure to review what you have written before calling your employee in to discuss the plan. It would be a good idea to have someone above you look over this before going further as well.

Set Up a Meeting with Employee

When you meet with your employee, be sure to clearly explain everything that you have written. This is a time to listen and get the employees opinions and feedback while modifying the plan to fit any new input. Once this has been done, both parties should sign this PIP form. This will show that the employee has agreed to the plan, and cannot create any problems later.

Follow Up

To monitor the employee, you should set up regular meetings to follow up on their performance.  This will open up opportunities for the employee to ask any questions that they may have or get clarification on a project that they may be working on. The supervisor should also make sure that the employee has everything needed to complete all tasks assigned.


If the employee is not getting better in his tasks or will not follow the guidelines set in the PIP, or worse, their behavior and performance worsens; then the supervisor should reconsider the PIP and try assigning the employee to another area or in worst cases, terminate the employee.

If the employee is showing improvements but not all tasks are completed, you can assign other tasks to the employee. No matter the situation a performance improvement plan can be a positive plan as long as the employee is willing to work on their performance.