The Ultimate Collection of Business Guides and Tools

One-Page Marketing Plan: 10 Elements of a Successful Marketing Plan

Definition A marketing plan is normally a typical business plan document which is created for...

Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) as a Sales and Marketing Tool

In addition to the initial purchase cost of acquiring new products or services TCO shows...

Is Market Share Still a Valid Marketing Metric?

The goal of marketing performance metrics is to make sure we invest and allocate our...

Recruiting Strategies

20 Recruiting Strategies to Hire the Right Employees Recruiting Strategies before the Interview 1. Talk...

Sales Funnel – Sales Pipeline Tool

Sales Pipeline Management in Excel Sales Management has always been one of the most challenging...

Excel Speedometer Dashboard: Product Screenshot

Products > Excel Speedometer Dashboard > Samples

Balanced Scorecard Toolbox for Excel

Create Balanced Scorecard Reports and Strategy Maps Instantly in Excel The balanced scorecard toolbox for...

Speedometer Dashboard

MR Dashboard® Business Solutions Speedometer Dashboard Application Microsoft and the Office logo are trademarks or...