Financial Ratios, Statements, Analysis, Reporting and Planning Tips, Articles and Templates

Financial Ratios, Statements, Analysis, Reporting and Planning Tips, Articles and Templates

Financial ratios, metrics, KPIs, financial statements analysis, financial reporting, planning, performance, financial dashboard development and more financial resources:

Traditional Costing vs. Activity Based Costing

Traditional costing treats overhead using the amount of a certain cost driver, like the volume of work hours required to manufacture a product. Cost driver is actually a point that triggers cost to accumulate, for example process hours and employee hours. Activity based costing on the other hand assigns the costs of servicing customers, delivering services and manufacturing products based on the activities required…

Accounts Receivable Management Best Practices

AR management tips and tools to help you improve your cash flows. How to make sure you monitor your aging accounts on an ongoing basis and take actions on time to maximize your cash flows. Track, monitor and manage your accounts receivables with this Excel tool which allows you to just enter your data anbd print your AR reports instantly…

Planning and Monitoring your Purchasing KPIs and Metrics

Purchasing as a key business function has become evolved coming from price based straightforward function in to a craft and discipline that involves strategies, sourcing, value chain analysis, cost of ownership, QC…. It is very important for just about any organization to develop an efficient purchasing dashboard along with all of the priority key performance indicators and critical success factors that will influence purchasing actions…

Volume Cost Profit Analysis and Break Even Template for Excel

Cost volume profit evaluation and scenario analysis in any business is the foundation in budgeting and forecasting. In addition it reveals any potential impact of changes in the business volume, cost structure and pricing. Simple what if analysis with the break even template can help you estimate…

Excel Financial Templates for Business Reporting and Analysis

All financial excel templates from the financial manager toolbox are now included in the business executive bundle. In addition to excel dashboard templates, marketing analysis and quality management tools the financial dashboard templates…

How to Analyze Financial Statements

The 3 main financial reports involve the P&L or income statement, the balance sheet and the cash flows statement. Public businesses in addition have a report showing their equity. Looking at and examining financial reports give you an overview of the business financial performance

Financial Projections Templates and Guide

Financial Projections Excel Templates, Guides and Examples: Financial projections are strategies for converting your business plan into detailed financial plan showing the financial requirements, expectations, goals, objectives and targets. In addition, financial ratios are used…

Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Review, Templates and Tools

Review of cost-benefit analysis approach in business: Things to consider for relevant, effective and successful CBA in business management. What costs are relevant and what types of benefits you need to evaluate to make the right business decision…

The Top 3 Profit Ratios for your business

Simplifying financial analysis and reporting by using financial ratios: These three types of profit margins must be included in your ongoing KPI reporting and continuously tracked on your dashboard reports…

ABC Costing Categories: The 4 Levels of Activities

The four groups of activities you will need to consider when developing your ABC model. While business models are different from one company to another, the ABC activities categories follow the same pattern…

Financial Ratio Analysis in Excel

Financial statements vs. financial ratio analysis: How to better organize your financial analysis and company evaluation for better company analysis and use a continuous reporting for the company’s ratios and KPIs…

Financial Reporting and Financial Analysis with Excel

The Financial Manager for Excel helps business managers, analysts, consultants, financial analysts and executives better analyze, plan and manage their businesses. Financial decisions are critical for the success of any business and all important business decisions are driven by effective financial analysis and reporting…

Financial Dashboard Report

Financial dashboard creation with Excel: How to create your financial dashboard reporting in Excel with these easy-to-use4 financial excel templates with all the financial ratios you need to monitor and track your financial performance including Du Pont analysis reporting…

Financial Business Plan

Financial business plan templates for business plan development, creating financial plan, budgeting, financial reporting, financial statements analysis and managing your business financial performance. Financial templates for Excel users…

Market Value Added (MVA)

MVA or Market Value Added Definition: MVA is the difference between the market value of the company and the capital employed by the company. MVA is a tool for financial reporting and analysis used for evaluating…

Financial Leverage Ratio Formula

Financial leverage is an important financial ratio that evaluates the company’s ability to pay its debt. This ratio is easy to calculate, track and monitor on a continuous basis. It is also called a debt-to-equity ratio because it calculates the ratio between the total debt and the total equity…

Cost Benefit Analysis

The Process of Using Cost-Benefit Analysis in Business: Cost benefit analysis in business is an evaluation method used for comparing the costs and benefits of any business decision or alternative…

Zero Based Budget

What is zero based budget? Why you should use a zero base line budgeting? Zero budget strategy means each budget planning and development starts from scratch with a zero budget instead of last year budget as a base line…

Cost of Quality

Cost of quality is a cost analysis method which helps businesses recognize, estimate and manage their total cost of quality improvement programs. The quality costs associated with poor and high quality can be a complex analysis and this cost analysis concept can be used to improve the overall costs of quality…

What is Benchmarking?

Benchmarking in business is the process and system for comparing your results, products, processes, performance, etc. against a predefined standard or criteria. The overall goal of benchmarking is continuous improvement. Companies compare results with the leaders in certain areas and by doing that they identify areas for improvement…

5 Steps to Analyze your Stakeholders

The most important issue in stakeholders analysis is that your stakeholders have different interests in your business and sometimes their interests might be in conflict with one another. It is your job to make an assessment and accurate analysis of your stakeholders and develop strategies which take into consideration the pros and cons of various decisions…

Sales Turnover Management

Sales turnover: This is one of the most effective ways to improve your business. The higher the sales turns the more productive and profitable you are. Because of this it is crucial for you not only to measure and track your sales turnover but also compare your numbers with other companies…

How to Calculate Your Sales Index and Improve Sales Reporting

When developing your own sales index you need to first pick your reporting period – the one which is relevant for your business. Next, you need to select a sales metric or you can track your general sales performances. While you can calculate sales indices for the overall revenue you should also…

Step Cost Management Tips: What is a Step Cost?

In addition to estimating and managing your fixed and variable costs, understanding your step cost is critical and it makes a difference in your overall cost structure. If you understand your cost structure and step costs you can manage…

Balanced Scorecard Financial Perspective

The financial perspective of the balanced scorecard includes the key financial measures – ratios, KPIs and metrics which help managers monitor the financial results of the organization. The specific financial metrics used will depend on the company and its overall strategy however…

How to Monitor Your Business Trends

The major benefit of continuous trend monitoring system for business reporting is the manager’s ability to identify critical trends on time. This saves time and money and reduces the business risk both in short term and long term by allowing managers to act on new opportunities…

Financial Ratio Analysis Report

The key question in planning and organizing your financial ratio analysis report is what financial ratios should be included. Before you go into details plan your reporting needs by using these 5 main financial ratio groups used in financial reporting and analysis…

Total Cost of Ownership in Sales and Marketing

TCO is a cost management tool used in marketing and sales for quantifying the total relevant costs of using a certain product or service over its lifetime. In addition to the initial cost and the purchase cost, TCO or total cost of ownership shows all the major relevant costs and the total cost for the customer. TCO is a powerful tool for presenting the features and benefits of using a particular products and services…

Moneyball: The 5 Performance Management Lessons for Managers

How small-budget companies can use performance management to outperform the leaders in their industries. Moneyball can teach managers a valuable lesson on how to use performance measurements and performance management to achieve great results and compete against the leaders…

ABC Analysis in Inventory Management

By using ABC analysis inventories are categorized based on their priorities and requirements for accurate monitoring, tracking and management control. Not every item in your inventory will have the same impact on your total inventory management cost…

Du Pont Analysis in Financial Ratio Reporting

Du Pont Analysis helps users to identify and calculate the three individual components of the Return on Equity financial ratio. With this formula you can identify what drives the performance of a certain ROE and understand the financial performance…

What Are Key Performance Indicators?

What are KPIs and why they are critical for success of any organization in business? What is measured, tracked and monitored is more important than how it is measured as long as it doesn’t require ongoing time and efforts from the users. KPI dashboard reporting in addition provides managers…

Benchmark Performance

While we improve compared to previous years without external benchmarks we are not really aware of how good we are. What if our revenue grew by 5% in the last 3 years but we don’t know that other companies in the industry had a two-digit growth…

What is Working Capital Management and How to Improve it

One of the most important financial management strategies and tactics is the working capital management which is the ability of the company to manage its working capital (current assets and liabilities) at a certain level…

Project Cost Estimate

How to improve your project cost estimate skills and maximize the ROI on your projects. The project cost estimate helps you better plan your project, manage the costs and achieve your objectives while minimizing the cost…

Operating Performance Ratios

Understanding organizational operational performances is critical, however it take a lot of time looking at various financial ratios, gathering information, collecting data and analysis. Here is a way to evaluate operational performances with these 3 simple financial ratios…

Tips on Avoiding Analysis Paralysis in Business

Having too many choices and analysis paralysis prevent us from making decisions and frequently we end up without making decisions because we create a complex situations even when…

Supply Chain Metrics Examples: The Cycle Time KPI

The cycle time KPI is part of the supply chain metrics. The cycle time definition will vary based on the business model and company’s strategy however cycle time in general is the difference between the time when the customer places an order and the time when the customer receives the order…

Time driven activity based costing

What is time driven ABC? What are the benefits of time driven activity based costing system compared to traditional ABC systems used in many organizations today…

How to Create a Successful Performance Management System

The 5-Step Process of Creating and Sustaining an Effective Performance Management System for your Organization. How to Improve Performance and use the right KPIs for your business…

Inventory Metrics Examples

Inventory metrics samples and examples for your inventory management reporting and supply chain dashboard reports. What are the top inventory KPIs and how to measure and track them efficiently…

Financial Statements Analysis with Financial Ratios

What are the key financial ratios for your business, do you know your industry financial ratios, benchmarks and standards, how to identify and measure your most important financial ratios without wasting time…

Activity Based Costing – ABC

Developing ABC Costing System and ABC Application for Excel. Tips on Activity Based Costing and Activity Based Management…

Pareto Analysis

Pareto Principle also known as 80/20 rule can help you improve your strategic focus…

Break-Even Analysis

What are your business limits? Break-Even Analysis overview and applications…

Keep Score: Financial Dashboard Reports for Small Businesses

How small businesses can use dashboard reporting to improve their business insight?

Business Chart

Business chart types and tips on when and how to use them for your business reporting…

Balanced Scorecard Reporting

All you need to know about the balanced scorecard and strategy maps development…]]>

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