Download the free spreadsheet for the monthly budget and get your individual finances under control. Compare your financial budget and actual expenses on a monthly basis. Also try the annual personal budget to make a budget for an entire year. If you have a family, try the Family Budget Planner for a more comprehensive group of budget categories.
This spreadsheet can help you compare the monthly budget for your actual expenses, and can be printed on the single page in the Family Portrait orientation. The distinction between your financial budget and actual expenses is calculated and prepared to make it easier to figure out where you may be overspending.
To use this template, all you need to do is enter numbers marked with a light blue background (Budget and Actual columns). For example, some songs are included in the Home Expenses class, but you want to replace these numbers along with your own.
The purpose of the budget worksheet type is to compare the monthly budget to your actual income and expenses. You register all your desired budget for each class in the column
The month-to-month budget summary table at the top right of the worksheet adds up all your income and expenses and calculates your net income minus expenses. If your Net is negative, it means you may have your monthly budget insolvent.
When your paychecks soar, there’s that little burst of joy that comes from using a well-stocked bank account.
But then comes the conclusion of the month – and you may also go from flush to nervous.
That’s exactly where creating a monthly budget comes in handy. It allows you to keep a record of the money moving to and from your bank account for sure. In addition, a financial budget can ensure that you are able to cover your daily expenses while still saving for future goals such as retirement and your kids’ college.
If you’ve never made a financial budget before – and just need a fresh start with a single you currently have – we’re here to help.
These are the bills and expenses you arrange – the things you need on a regular basis. They list the basic costs that are currently not part of your salary, such as your mortgage and rent, car payment, utilities, cell phone bill, and childcare. This can include things like what you can spend each month to give to your loved ones. These are essentially the non-negotiable expenses that keep your life going.
Part of the budget that people typically don’t consider is irregular, non-monthly payments. Since the types of charges can drop your palpeur before they are due, it is essential to be accountable on their behalf within your budget.
This class includes what you are currently using for financial savings, debt repayment, and other longer-term financial goals. Each month, the repayments you make for the goals will allow you to get closer to monetary security by helping you pay off all the debts you have to pay off and therefore save that you are able will be happy to help you fund your child’s education, take that dream vacation and easily retire one day.
Discretionary spending is money that you can invest in whatever you want that is not currently a fixed and essential expense. It’s essentially extra money that you can use for things like a nice evening meal with friends and a last minute vacation over a long weekend.
If you’re not sure what this figure should be, check out exactly how much you’ve spent in the past 3 months and use that to get a clearer picture. Or choose a month that you would consider an average month for your optional expenses, and use that figure.
Take your total monthly net pay and subtract your fixed expenses (including non-monthly costs) and your target funding.
But if your actual optional spend is greater than exactly what the math says it should be, that means you have to try a bit. You will need to determine which of the expenses will then consume too much of the budget, and exactly where you want to cut back on recurring money to make sure you don’t incur debt to pay for your lifestyle.
Personalizing the best budget for you means balancing being able to pay for your way of life now and save for the future later – without feeling like you’re robbing yourself. So never be afraid to adjust your grades if the goals change. After all, your day-to-day life can change over time and must therefore be within your budget.
Once you’ve entered all the values, the spreadsheet will let you know exactly how much you have left in the month’s conclusion to save and spend on debt. The spreadsheet can also let you know exactly how close you could be to an ideal income allocation. Such allocation models are often used by banks and some other loan companies to assess your monetary balance. Feel free to test the spreadsheet today at the download link below.
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