ERP Applications for HR and Financial Management

Financial and HR Management ERP Software

In the past business management approaches used to consider financial management and human resources management as being a support activities and functions. However these days it is clear how businesses can gain competitive advatnage through smart HR management and financial management. As a consequence the ERP applications have adjusted to reflect this reality in the business environment. The application of ERP software has spread throughout these functions to assist managers manage better, faster and make informed decisions.

In the previous training on financial and HR we covered how financial and human resources have become essential support in organizations, not just additions to core organizational processes in the company. In the previous decades, when production was prevalent, finance and human resources, for example, was the result of current organizational functions, and the trend continued to grow in the service sector.

The element that organizations have control of people’s costs and policies, which have been in value for a long time now, however, meant these functions were a prominent place in the organization’s strategy and management. In addition, with the beginning of IT / BPO, although they saw financial and human resources as non core, the outline of ERP applications software has resulted in synergy between dissimilar organizational processes – efficiency of an organization as the advantage.

Of interest is that the software was financial and HR components that were key to success of the whole business, so top management began to spend more on finance and human resources than before. In addition, IT / BPO businesses (especially large companies) actively protect their currency positions, more importantly the financial department.

Using ERP software within those organizations means they are no longer independent in aligning diverse units and processes. Instead of resulting in integration of processes and coordination and monitoring of support functions, along with key processes having centralized management, the executives gained a better insight into these processes.

Furthermore, with a bigger focus on function of human resource management and financial functions for managing cash flows as well as risk and investment protection, ERP applications were considered sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Within decades in the past, there was not much integration plus way less centralization in control and management.

The advantages of distributing ERP software to employees are many and include access to applications that routinely handles requests such as leaf searches, assessment, booking, and travel booking, and budget placements for activities within project groups. In many multinational companies, the standard of all ERP software used to get everything with automated processes rather than manual.

Team management forces employees to focus time and energy in project activities rather than doing financial and personnel services for budgeting. In fact, IT / BPO firms have integrated ERP software into their day-to-day features and reduce the stress of employees to manage routine activities.

In the end, fact that ERP application results with synergies shows how organizational processes can be integrated and how project managers see different processes at a high level. It also allows project managers plus senior executives to execute cost management and delegate the powers for medium-sized management.