Employee Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal Tools

Employee Management Templates & HR Tools


The Goals:

  • to help employees succeed in their professional development
  • to help your organization achieve its overall goals

Developing an effective employee performance appraisal system allows you to improve employee performance, employee satisfaction, employee motivation and achieve organizational goals and objectives. It is a great planning tool and communication tools allowing feedback from both sides – the management and the employees.

While most organizations have employee performance appraisal once a year the approach of developing effective employee performance appraisal system as an HR tool is a continuous process throughout the year. This approach saves a lot of time and improves the quality of employee performance appraisal.

Many organizations use employee performance appraisal forms and reports as a standard template used for evaluation once a year. However this is not enough when you want to give accurate and unbiased evaluation.

Criteria and Metrics for Employee Performance Appraisal

Identifying the most appropriate criteria as a measurement system for your organization is the most important step in developing your performance system At this stage the HR approach should follow the organizational big picture. Using the Balanced Scorecard methodology is extremely important at this stage.

The performance appraisal system needs to consider the organizational core objectives and accepted by everyone as a strategic HR tool.

The Employee Performance Appraisal system should include goal setting, employee development strategies, measurement system and reporting and alternatives for identifying strengths and weaknesses as well as ways to exceed organizational goals. Once you develop your Employee Performance Appraisal system as a strategic HR tool organize training and educate management how to use it and inform employees of the benefits of this approach.

Employee Performance Appraisal Software

Using a simple employee performance appraisal software can help you get organized with all the information you need such as employee information, criteria for evaluation and ranking system for unbiased and accurate measurement and Employee Performance Appraisal forms and reports created when you need them.

The Employee Performance Appraisal Tool for Excel is a simple tool to organize all your information in one excel file – create an employee database, your own ranking system / evaluation criteria or you can simply use the default universal standards. The tool creates your form / report for any employee in your system with a click of a button.

The Employee Performance Appraisal report is customized automatically based on the criteria you use and the scores you assign for every employee in your system.

This means you can continuously use your system throughout the year by assigning scores for employees on different performance criteria and you are ready to generate and print your reports anytime you need them by simply selecting an employee and clicking a button in Microsoft Excel.