Calculate the Percent of Sales in Excel Spreadsheet

Calculate the Percent of Total Sales in Excel

Keeping track of sales lets you monitor your profitability, yet incredibly important is actually knowing exactly where all those sales came from. In case you sell many products and services, or maybe types of products and services, understanding which of them are usually in demand lets you change your business approach properly.


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Maybe you have one particular products which makes up 80% of your product sales, though yet another is included in just 20% of your sales. Understanding these numbers, you may choose to focus on the product or service with the best results. Excel makes simple this kind of computation.

Type in title, or model, of the very first product within A1. For instance, you may type in Numbers.
Enter into the overall sales from your very first product within B1 – for example $21,000 sales.

Continue doing this for every single product, or simply sort of product, over a new row in Excel (one product or service will have one individual row in your Excel sheet).

When you are done entering all your products and services simply use the formula =SUM(B1:Bx). Bx will be the last row number – for example if your last product is in row 25 the formula will be “=SUM(B1:B25).” You can enter this formula in any cell you want. This calculates your total sales.

Now you need to calculate the percentage of total sales for each product. You will simply divide the individual sales per product by the total sales (calculated in hte previous step).

For example, if cell D1 has the total sales and you want to calculate the percentage of total sales for product 5 in row 5, the formula will be “=B5/D1”.

The last step is to change the format of this cell. Simply click percentage in the Numbers tab and just click OK to change the format in percentage.

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