Business Scorecard Examples and Templates

Business Scorecard Examples and Templates

Executive Business Scorecard

This is an example of Executive Business Scorecard Dashboard designed, developed and managed for a global corporation. This business scorecard reports information from different business functions as well as critical departments, sites, and locations.

This scorecard report can incorporate all critical business information on a single page. Compared to traditional reporting this report gives you a better business focus through effective charts, KPIs, visual indicators, tables, and symbols.

By using this scorecard it is very easy for you to understand key business trends and developments and since everything is displayed visually together it is very easy to identify the causes of the issues. By using this report our client is always very well informed and senior management always have the latest updates and finding relevant information is a matter of seconds

Quality Management Scorecard

Our client started a six sigma quality program for their three production facilities. They developed a Quality Scorecard that will measure and report the critical quality management metrics – same KPIs in different locations to monitor and benchmark quality performances.

Originally the reporting of every metric in three locations weekly and monthly was done through Excel files and PowerPoint presentations. By working together and starting with the original reports we were able to develop a customized design solution and develop one scorecard report for three locations. Now this quality management scorecard is managed and delivered to senior management daily, weekly, and monthly.

Sales Scorecard

This one-page Sales Scorecard report is a monthly reporting tool used by our client. It incorporates hundreds of critical sales and marketing facts.

The charts show information on a 13-month time frame. Next to each chart there is a performance indicator showing the trends on different metrics such as decline in sales or performance improvement. The Scorecard report also has two top ten tables showing the most critical sales metrics.

What used to be a reporting system involving multiple employees who worked with the data and produced dozens of Excel files and PowerPoint presentations, was converted into a one-page magazine quality report containing all relevant information. Now, by using our customized reports, the client saves time and money, has better information and more productive meetings, and it is very easy to share information and build a common business purpose

Production Scorecard

The Production Scorecard Dashboard is a must have for every production manager. It incorporates all production related information in a single powerful one-page scorecard report.

Based on the client requirements the Production Scorecard generally incorporates metrics about the production costs, inventory levels, product movements, throughput, productivity, production employees, safety, deliveries, purchase orders, quality, etc.

All production related information to control and manage your production plant successfully with a one-page scorecard report. The Production Scorecard reports are generally run daily so management is always timely informed about the latest trends in their production process. This Scorecard report can incorporate hundreds of critical facts that drive your bottom line.

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