Business Report Table of Contents Templates

Business Report Table of Contents

Download Business Report Table of Contents Templates Free: Business reports are necessary to communicate business information throughout the organization. It can be used to give brief analysis of certain performances in the organization to stakeholders and upper managers. To create a proper business report it’s more of a skill that you can learn.

There are certain rules and format you must adhere to in order to create a proper report. An example of this would be having a proper format which includes title page, executive summary, table of contents, introduction, body, conclusion, reference list and appendix.


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When it comes onto your table of contents it kind of varies. If your report is less than 10 pages it may not be necessary but if it’s going to be over it. You are probably going to need one because it will help your users to locate the information better.

Additionally it can give them a brief summary of what they are going to read. So it’s going to show them the different topics and sub-topics that are going to discussed in the report.Just imagine a long report that does not have any table of contents. It would be hard to get to a certain page that was deeming to be important. Executives don’t have enough times on their hands daily. If you give them a report without a table of contents they probably aren’t going to read it.

Your table of contents should also be numbered properly. Furthermore your layout should be exactly in tune with the overall report. In your table of contents there are also a few things you should keep in mind.

You can see them below.


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• Use decimal point to number the different sections this will help the reader to locate them better.

• Don’t just use appendix 1 or appendix 2 to label your appendices. Instead use titles to describe the content that’s going to be in each appendix. An example would be appendix 1: sales figures shown on a graph over a period of 5 decades.

• To help keep things simpler you can number your remaining pages on your report with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3….).

• You can label all the pages that come before the introduction such as title page and executive summary in lower case roman numerals (i, ii….).

• Use colors to label the different pages

Overall these are just some of the simple tips you can use in your table of contents on your report. That’s going to make it easier to create and easier for the reader to understand.

As stated before a poorly structured report can turn readers away from even trying to understanding what kind of information you are communicating. You must invest time into your report and keep certain information clean, short and concise.

This will prevent you from boring the reader with all your information. That can lead to them losing interest in your report. Another tip you should keep in mind is that use a lot of graph, charts and other diagrams to help show your collected data.


Showing data in table is good too but graphs and charts tend to be more effective and they can interpret it more easily.

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